commands to work in nvim

Exit nvim editor vim or nvim are text editors based on the command line. If you dont know how to exit the nvim interface you shoul type esc + esc then write :q :q is the command to leave the nvim or vim editor. nvim modes Normal: You should type esc + esc Insert: You should type i Visual: You should type v Move the cursor in the text In Normal mode of nvim we can use the arrow keys to move in the text but there is a better solution, we can use the right hand using the h, j, k, l keys....

July 12, 2022 · 4 min · 806 words · Jesus Capistran

nvim for writing in markdown

NeoVim or nvim is a text editor based on the terminal, it is used to edit plain text or even for programming. In my case I decided to set up my nvim for writting in markdown. To have this configuration it is neccesary to cofig NeoVim. This modification were based on two sources: jdhao webpage (She is a machine learning engineer): Markdown Writing and previewing in NeoVim - A complete Guide Nicolas Schourmann (Programmer, New Zeland): Vim, aumenta tu velocidad de desarrollo Following jdhao tutorial + Nicolar Shourman course you can learn to customize your nvim enviroment and even you will learn to use the nvim editor....

July 12, 2022 · 7 min · 1364 words · Jesus

Hugo workflow for posting a blog

It has been a week since I configured and deployed my Blog with Hugo, I have notpost anyhting since then. Then Today I have experience a lot of trouble in the workflow for posting. That means, the new skill which is not training is inmediatly forgotten. Then lest write this mini guide to get back and remember the posting worflow in Hugo. 1. Create a new Markdown file with Hugo The Hugo post should be write locally using a Markdown editor....

July 3, 2022 · 4 min · 748 words · Jesus Capistran

Filter data in python with high order functions

July 02, 2022 Filter data in python with high order functions This project (Platzi) is to learn How to filter data from a list of dictionaries. The goal is to use the python high order functions filter() and map() to achieve the task. Note: You will require python > v3.9 to finish the 100% of the examples. However if you have only python 3 you can achieve the 90%. Don’t worry, let’s practice....

July 2, 2022 · 4 min · 706 words · Jesús Capistrán, Ph.D.

Deploy HUGO Blog in Github Pages

Once I load the Hugo Sitein my local machine. I proceed to configure it and to deploy the Public folder into Github. For this task I do a google search and find the following video tutorial:

June 25, 2022 · 1 min · 36 words · Jesus Capistran